HMS Nasturtium - Malta

HMS Nasturtium

was based at Malta. On 24 April 1916, she left Malta but had to return immediately to search for a submarine in the vicinity. On 27 April the German submarine U-73 laid 22 mines outside the Grand Harbour of Valletta. The battleship HMS Russell sank after hitting two of these mines.

The history

Nasturtium arrived in Malta on 27 April. The Rear Admiral of Patrols based at Fort Rinella ordered the sloop to search for mines and submarines. At 19:10 she ended up in the same minefield as the Russell and struck a mine which exploded 7 feet below the waterline on her starboard side close to the foremost funnel. This explosion killed seven crew members. Her boiler rooms began to flood and the tug Prompt sailed out from Sliema to assist her. By 21:00, she had a heavy list and all the crew left, except for a few hands on the forecastle. By 21:38 the remaining crew abandoned the ship since she was now listing by 30 degrees to port. At 21:50 the naval yacht HMY Aegusa hit a mine in the same minefield and sank.
The Nasturtium finally sank at 02:45 on 28 April 1916. A court martial regarding her loss was held on board HMS Theseus on 8 May 1916.

The dive

Her wreck now lies at a depth of 67 meters. It is a long boat ride, therefore prepare some water, snacks and suncream. The marine life is really amazing, barracudas, huge John Dorys are around. Look out for the ammunition on the port side on the sand, the two guns on the bow and stern. The wreck is 80 m long and currents can be strong, maybe consider a dpv to see the whole wreck.

This is a boat dive where you will descend and ascend using reference line. Because of her depth, minimum Advanced Trimix certification required.